First draft for invitation to WS – introduction to psychophysiological stress medicine
Psykofysiologisk stressmedicinsk WS i Bergvik 2022-06-28 – inbjudan
Although IPBM was founded 1998, we first now see a growing interests in psychophysiology in general and psychophysiological medicine in particular. Also we see a growing interests from private persons, patients or not, to use e.g. integrated biofeedback in a more serious way.
The above can be assembled in an annual meeting where we can focus on all the above and more, e.g. relevant technology, methodology and empirical initiative all those focus than not yet have not been addressed as well as R&D, e.g. artificial intelligence tools needed in our development.
This is the first announcement and our plan is that in the late spring (probably June) 2022 organize the first meeting.
Welcome with ideas about what you reading this especially would have an the agenda as well as if you yourself have suggestions for presenters – including yourself?
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